RationalPlan desktop products Tutorial

Table of Contents

I. Starting up
1. Setting up the application
1. What is RationalPlan ?
1.1. RationalPlan Single Project
1.2. RationalPlan Multi Project
1.3. RationalPlan Project Viewer
2. How to install
2.1. Windows installation
2.2. Mac OS X installation
2.3. Linux installation
3. Customize the application
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Show/Hide Application Components
3.3. General settings
3.4. Tables settings
3.5. Graphic settings
3.6. Other settings
3.7. Main Toolbar
3.8. Project Toolbar
3.9. Mail Toolbar
3.10. Button Toolbar
3.11. View Toolbar
3.12. Shortcuts
2. About files, versions and projects
1. Create a new file
2. Open a file or a version from server's repository
3. Change file name and format
4. Import and export project (only for Multi Project)
5. Archive and restore project (only for Multi Project)
6. Publish project (only for Multi Project)
II. Create a project plan - Guide steps
3. Define project scope and risks
1. Project initiation
2. Define calendars
3. Project risks
4. Planning the project
1. Create Work Breakdown Structure
2. Schedule tasks
3. Insert human and equipment resources
4. Add materials
5. Assign resources to tasks
6. Level resources (solve overallocations)
7. Add fixed costs for tasks
III. Track the project plan - Guide steps
5. Update schedule
1. About % complete and % work complete
2. Baselines
3. Changing tasks completion value
4. Earned Value Management
IV. Working with multiple projects
6. Multiproject environment basics
1. Resources
2. Projects
3. Project Portfolio View
4. Client Table View
V. Printing
7. Print preview
1. Page navigation
2. Printed information
8. Print menu
VI. Send emails to resources
9. Setting email options
10. Sending assignments to resources