MOOS Project Viewer 3.1 Integrates With Google Drive Storage Service

Stand By Soft is pleased to announce the release of MOOS Project Viewer version 3.1. The major feature in this version is the integration with Google DriveTM. Users can now also open Microsoft Project files that are stored on a Google Drive account and not just local files from their computers.

The biggest advantage of using cloud storage services is that the files can be accessed at any moment in time and from any location. Plus the files can also be shared within the company, or even more can be shared with external project stakeholders.

When a project plan is created and needs to be distributed to the team members the best solution is to use a fast and easy to access system like Google Drive. The generated project file can be stored within the company account on Drive service and each member that needs to have access to that file can open it directly with MOOS Project Viewer. This is a cost effective solution if the team members only need to see the project details and do not need to make changes to it.

The integration process between MOOS Project Viewer and Google Drive is done is few very simple steps. The users need to activate the service just once and the application will never ask anything again. (more…)

By |2022-11-18T10:20:07+00:00September 18th, 2013|Microsoft Project, MOOS Project Viewer|Comments Off on MOOS Project Viewer 3.1 Integrates With Google Drive Storage Service

MOOS Project Viewer 2.9 Integrates With Dropbox Platform

DropboxThe team behind MOOS Project Viewer just released version 2.9. This version comes with a new feature: integration with Dropbox. Users can now also open Microsoft Project files that are stored on a Dropbox account and not just local files from their computers.

The biggest advantage of using a cloud storage service is that the files can be accessed at any moment in time and from any location. Further more the files can also be shared within the company, or even more can be shared with the project stakeholders.

When a project manager creates a project plan that needs to be distributed to the team managers or even to the entire team the best solution is to use a fast and easy to access system. In this case the generated project file gets stored within the company account on Dropbox and each member that needs to have access to that file can open it directly with MOOS Project Viewer. This is a cost effective solution if the team members only need to see the project details and do not need to make changes to it. (more…)

By |2022-11-18T10:20:08+00:00March 13th, 2013|Microsoft Project, MOOS Project Viewer|Comments Off on MOOS Project Viewer 2.9 Integrates With Dropbox Platform

MOOS Project Viewer 2.7 Added Team Planner View

MOOS Project Viewer version 2.7 added a new view from Microsoft® Project – the Team Planner view.

Project managers struggle with seeing clearly and quickly what their team is doing at any given point in the project schedule. Using Team Planner view in Microsoft® Project Professional 2010 you can see at a glance what tasks have been assigned to resources. According to Microsoft the main idea behind Team Planner is combining the power of the Gantt chart with the simplicity and familiarity of the Outlook calendar.

NOTE: Team Planner is a feature available only with Project Professional but starting with version 2.7 it is also available in MOOS Project Viewer.

The latest version can be downloaded from the official download page.

By |2012-02-15T20:45:25+00:00February 15th, 2012|Microsoft Project, MOOS Project Viewer|Comments Off on MOOS Project Viewer 2.7 Added Team Planner View

Project Management Software Alternative for Microsoft Project

One of the most used project planning software of all times is Microsoft Project with millions of users worldwide. The product is used mainly by companies to manage projects in almost any activity area. However the users base does not end here and the software package is also used for educational purposes or for personal use.

In the past there were very few project management tools hence a poor competition and for this reason the prices for such tools were high. In the last years the software market has grown rapidly such that at this moment there are hundreds of such products: some of them have just some basic functionality while others offer a full solution to manage projects. For this reason the prices have dropped significantly.

What to look for when searching for a Microsoft Project alternative

However many users still use Microsoft Project despite the high price. Why? Simple: Microsoft Project is still considered as the “de facto” standard in project management and many project plans are stored in its format. The biggest problem in migrating to another project scheduling software is the conversion of existing data to the new format. For this the new adopted product must be able to successfully read Microsoft Project files. Even more if it is needed a Microsoft Project integration then the new product must also be able to export data in MS Project Data Exchange format.

Another important factor in deciding what alternative to Microsoft Project to choose is the list of available features. It must supply some powerful tools like Gantt charts, scheduling mechanisms, resource management, cost management, etc. If it provides even additional features like running on multiple platforms, support for collaboration or even the possibility to handle multiple interdependent projects that is even better.

One major problem that users have with MS Project is the fact that they do not always need to modify projects. Many times they only need to view the projects or even less to see what they have to do. OK you might say that some printed reports will do the trick but this is somehow limited. Instead of using some static reports it would help a lot more to have a dynamic view over the projects: on short a Microsoft Project viewer.


By |2022-11-18T10:20:12+00:00July 11th, 2011|Microsoft Project, Project Management Software|Comments Off on Project Management Software Alternative for Microsoft Project

MOOS Project Viewer 2.4 – A New Microsoft Project Viewer Version Available

Stand By Soft is pleased to announce the release of MOOS Project Viewer in French language. Besides this major change some other features were added like support for estimated task durations, more columns for tasks and support for MS Project 2007 .mpp files that were obtained by converting them from Microsoft Project 2010.

Here are the most important changes added to this version:

  • Added French translation
  • Added support for estimated task duration values
  • Added more columns for tasks including baselines
  • Support for 2010 to 2007 .mpp files conversion

MOOS Project Viewer is a cost saving solution for project stakeholders to view project details in a dynamic way and not just using static reports. By adding French language support the developers from Stand By Soft hope to better serve French users needs to view Microsoft Project files.

Estimated values for tasks duration is an important indicator regarding the status of the project. It helps project managers to easily see which tasks are still not a certain fact and which are well established. This is possible to be seen now with the current version of MOOS Project Viewer.

All tasks columns that are available in Microsoft Project 2010 are now also available in MOOS Project Viewer. This includes columns like baselines and all corresponding data (start date, finish date, duration, work, cost). This way users can see them not only on the Gantt chart but also in more detail on the table.

Certain problems where solved related to MS Project 2007 .mpp files that where generated by exporting them from Microsoft Project 2010. Companies that have purchased both version of Microsoft Project – 2007 and 2010 – and that are using just 2007 files for compatibility reasons will now be able to correctly view them.

MOOS Project Viewer allows you to open, view and print mpp files and it is running on any Java enabled platform including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

It is available at and can be downloaded from

Stand By Soft develops software specialized for the project management area. Its main product RationalPlan is a project management software that follows the general recommended guidelines from project management domain. It has been developed to help small and middle sized companies to plan and manage their projects.

About Stand By Soft
Stand By Soft was founded in 1997 as a software company specialized in building desktop applications and components.
Contact name: Lucian Ioan
Address: Aleea Parului, Nr.4A, Craiova, Dolj, 200346, Romania
Phone: +40727159969


By |2022-11-18T10:20:12+00:00May 13th, 2011|Microsoft Project, MOOS Project Viewer|Comments Off on MOOS Project Viewer 2.4 – A New Microsoft Project Viewer Version Available

View .mpp Files Exactly As They Are In Microsoft Project

Version 2.3 of MOOS Project Viewer is able to display views as they were saved in MS Project. This way users will be able to see the tables as they appear in Microsoft Project. The same column order, width, and custom name will be used making it easier to watch to the projects’ data.

Even more the splits for the chart type views are displayed at the same positions. However these features are available only when reading from .mpp and .mpt files and not for other file formats. This happens because Microsoft Project saves these graphical settings only in these file type formats.

Besides these significant and useful features other improvements were added:

  • Better MS Project integration for tasks
  • Improved rendering for predecessors using dependency type and lag value
  • Added support for month and year units
  • Open large files in Mac versions
  • License registration possibility using a command line argument

MOOS Project Viewer is a Microsoft Project viewer that allows you to open, view in a dynamic way and print any Microsoft Project file. It is running on any Java enabled platform including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

By |2022-11-18T10:20:12+00:00March 16th, 2011|MOOS Project Viewer, News|Comments Off on View .mpp Files Exactly As They Are In Microsoft Project

MOOS Project Viewer A Microsoft Project Viewer Is Available In Italian Language

The filters for tasks can be used for various views (like Gantt Chart and Tracking Gantt) and include many types of filters. Among them it is worth to be mentioned:

  • incomplete tasks
  • late tasks
  • tasks with deadlines
  • milestones
  • completed tasks
  • tasks with calendar
  • conflicting tasks
  • tasks with calendar


By |2022-11-18T10:20:13+00:00January 20th, 2011|Microsoft Project, MOOS Project Viewer|Comments Off on MOOS Project Viewer A Microsoft Project Viewer Is Available In Italian Language
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