Privacy Policy
Privacy Statement
We are aware of the growing concern of Internet users regarding the widespread distribution of their personal information, and we take great measures to protect our customers’ and visitors’ privacy. We do not request, collect or store personal information if you browse our web site.
User Communication
First and foremost, the personal information provided by you (through our payment partners or otherwise) will be used for the purpose for which it was provided – to contact you, to send you upgrades, etc. We will also use this information to contact you regarding new products, technical updates and special offers.
If you contact us regarding one of our products, we never sell, trade, or otherwise share any of your private information with any other company or organization. We also do not send you e-mail or postal mail unrelated to the products you are interested in.
GDPR Compliance
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) is a regulation by which the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, and the European Commission intend to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU). It creates consistent data protection rules across Europe and applies to companies who are based in the EU and global companies who process personal data about individuals in the EU. The regulation comes into effect on the 25th May 2018. You can read the full General Data Protection Regulation here.
We take the security of your data very seriously. Protecting our customers’ information and their users’ privacy is extremely important to us. Stand By Soft as a Controller uses Processors that also implement the GDPR requirements.
This website uses, a live chat solution to offer an online first level support for our visitors. Read the privacy policy.
We are using Hotjar, a tool to help us understand our visitors, their usage of this website, and their website access preferences. Read the Hotjar privacy policy.
The purchase of Stand By Soft products over the Internet is handled by Avangate, a well-known and highly-trusted e-commerce company. Please see Avangate privacy policy for more details.
RationalPlan Cloud service uses AWS Amazon for data hosting and processing. Visit the AWS Amazon privacy and compliance policies.
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. It is a tool that helps us measure how users interact with the website content. For details please read the Google compliance policies.
RationalPlan uses cookies on this website. By using our website you consent to our cookies policy. Cookies are small files saved to the device from which you access this website. Cookies track, save, and store information about your interaction with this website. Cookies do not identify you, but only the device (computer, smartphone, tablet) you’re using to access this website.
The Google Analytics JavaScript libraries use HTTP Cookies to “remember” what a user has done on previous pages / interactions with the website. Read the Google Analitics cookies policy .
This website uses WordPress, a content management system. It is used for managing our blog articles and all related comments. When visitors comment on our blog, they get cookies stored on their computer. This is purely a convenience, so that the visitor won’t need to re-type all their information again when they want to leave another comment. Read the WordPress cookies policy.
RationalPlan does not use cookies to gather personal identifying information about you. Should you nevertheless want to disable, reject or block the use of cookies, some parts of this website may not, as a consequence, work fully. You can also delete cookies that have been stored on your computer. This is done by using the menu of your browser, all depending on the type and version of the browser you use.
Privacy Policy Changes
Although most changes are likely to be minor, RationalPlan reserves the right to change its Privacy Policy from time to time. RationalPlan encourages visitors to frequently check this page for any changes to its Privacy Policy. Your continued use of these services after any change in this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such change.
Privacy Questions
These measures, along with our belief that it is up to the individual to determine who receives and what may be done with their personal information, ensure that any information submitted on our site will be kept confidential. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
Last updated: May 25, 2018